Tuesday 30 September 2014

The Smoothie Challenge

The Smoothie Challenge is a fun and exciting challenge that can be done at any hour of the day at the comfort of your own home. It is comprised of simple rules and is completely luck-based. 

The rules are as follows: 
  1. Find a partner you'd like to play with. 
  2. Look for 10 good ingredients which you'd typically add to a smoothie. 
  3. Look for 10 bad ingredients which would ruin the taste of a smoothie. 
  4. Note down all the ingredients on separate papers and put in a hat. 
  5. A player will now choose from the hat and add the ingredient noted on the paper into the blender. 
  6. Both players will repeat the process until all the ingredients have been drawn from the hat. 
  7. Once the ingredients have run out both players will blend their 'smoothies' with the help of a blender. 
  8. Now the challenge for the players is to completely finish their smoothies. 
  9. Whoever finishes their smoothie first; simply wins! 

Over here is a video of Ariana Grande taking part in the Smoothie Challenge done at Nick Studios. This challenge is done slightly differently to the rules mentioned above. However its a nice alteration to the usual way of completing the challenge. 

This is a video of iisuperwomanii completing this challenge similar to the rules mentioned above in this post. 


Monday 29 September 2014

The Impossible Quiz

The Impossible Quiz is a hit flash game created by Splapp-Me-Do and is the first in the three series game. The concept of the game is quite simple. The player will be faced with either a question or task that they are to complete in order to progress to the next question. 

Sounds simple? Well its not. "Many questions rely on double meanings, tricks and puns, requiring you to always think 'outside the box', as Splapp has always said ; besides you will find many surprises along the way, such as mini-games or mazes, where you will need to have some good skills and reflexes, and there's always the questions where you will have to resort to plain insane logic." 

Apart from this players also need to keep in mind that they only get 3 lives to complete the game, along with several skip options they earn as they pass a level. One should remember that some questions even have a time limit - ranging from 1 to 11 seconds.  If a question is not answered within the given time limit then the game ends instantly. 

The Impossible Quiz is a must try challenge for anyone who's up for it! 

Link To The Impossible Quiz 



Sunday 28 September 2014

The Impossible Game

http://impossiblegame.org/One of the most super addictive and exciting games you have ever experienced, the best-selling Xbox Live Indie Game based on a very hard game-platform – The Impossible Game. Gameplay is really simple and straightforward it just consists of an automatically fast moving square through a level and while you make your square jump over smashing objects the game becomes more and more exciting and interesting. As the name already tells you, the game is really impossible and when you fail, and believe me you will undoubtedly fail, you will be more excited to start over and over again – there is a practice mode, so starting this mode you can place flags down as you progress through the level so you could restart from your last dropped flag, but the thing what makes this game really impossible is that if you do not play in a practice mode you must beat all the levels from start to finish only with one life. Impossible Game is known as the “Insanely Addictive” – the music consists of techno beats and it rises your motivation as well as the tension. Each time you start the game you will experience something new and harder, but if you are a person who is capable of beating the really Impossible Game levels, then you are definitely an exceptional one, who will feel you have beaten something amazing difficulties that only a few could do this globally. The Impossible Game came out quite a while ago on the Xbox 360, now you are able to enjoy it on the iPhone as well and playing it here at our site. At this site you will meet lots of exciting games similar to The Impossible Game, The World’s Hardest Game and etc. have a fun and enjoy playing lots of amazing various flash games online.

Here is a glimpse of the Impossible Game

Saturday 27 September 2014


The marathon is a long-distance running event with an official distance of 42.195 kilometers (26 miles and 385 yards), that is usually run as a road race. The event was instituted in commemoration of the fabled run of the Greek soldier Pheidippides, a messenger from the Battle of Marathon to Athens.

Marathon has a lot of type, like running,  bicycle, wheelchair and so on. 
The most marathon I like was "Color Run".

The Color Run is an event series and five kilometers paint race with 4 color include Pink, Orange, Blue, and Yellow that takes place in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. The untamed event has no winners or prizes, but runners are showered with colored powder at stations along the run. 

The most meaningful marathon was wheelchair marathon.


Thursday 25 September 2014

Ultimate selfie

There are a group of  people, they are full of longing to altitude, eager to challenge the limits of human vision altitude, they are bold and crazy to boarded the top of city and mountain. They climbing the bridge tower, high-rise buildings or standing edge, completely without any protective measures, then selfie at high altitude. Their photos make the viewer adrenaline surge, hands and feet numb, just crazy scream let us feel the altitude limit along with the charm and heart.

the Ultimate Selfie While Launching Sidewinder Missile

the utlimate selfie at the edge of the bulding

the utlimate selfie while standing at the top of the bulding

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Beanboozled Challenge

Beanboozled is a dare based game created by the company Jelly Belly. Within this two player game; participants are expected to choose one flavoured 'bean' each but here's the catch! The Jelly Belly BeanBoozled collection currently contains 10 colours of beans (20 beans) however there are 20 different flavours in each pack, thus you'll never know which one is which. 

"The Black Licorice bean looks exactly like Skunk Spray bean! Sweet luscious Caramel Corn might also be Mouldy Cheese. You may think you're tasting world famous Buttered Popcorn Bean, but what you'll be biting into could actually be Rotten Egg. The only way to find out what happens is to eat them!"

Below is a video that shows you exactly how this game is played: 


Tuesday 23 September 2014

CHALLENGE- skydiving

The most challenge I want to do is Skydiving.  I want to feel flying in the sky like a bird and enjoy the. 
Skydiving means freedom, you can see the whole city under your eyes.  
SKYDIVING- is the action sport of exiting an aircraft and returning to Earth with the aid of gravity, then slowing down during the last part of the descent by using a parachute.

Skydiving is a sport involving a skydiver jumping down from an airplane while it is flying and parachuting to the ground. Skydiving can be done individually and with other people. Training is required to go solo. The jump can also be made from a helicopter or the bottom of a hot air balloon from 4000m or 13,000 ft. Some thrill seekers attempt to skydive without a parachute whilst flying through the air, and instead rely on the small parachutes they have that professionals have put on them.


Monday 22 September 2014

First challenge-- Ice Bucket Challenge


The most popular challenge recently is Ice Bucket Challenge. Ice Bucket Challenge is a fund raising activities initiated in social network. Sometimes called the ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) Ice Bucket Challenge, all the challenge need to record a challenge process videos and uploaded to the social networking. Encourages nominated participants to be filmed having a bucket of ice water poured on their heads and then nominating others to do the same. A common stipulation is that nominated participants have 24 hours to comply or forfeit by way of a charitable financial donation. 

The most famous challenger:

Bill Gates's Ice Bucket Challenge

Lady GaGa's  Ice Bucket Challenge

Thom Browne's  Ice Bucket Challenge

Bush's  Ice Bucket Challenge

 Ice Bucket Challenger are come from different type of people race, occupation, but the purpose are the same, is To arouse more people's attention to this disease.