Monday 3 November 2014

check out our challenge video ...yeah yeah

challenge time!!!
We have did 4 challenges in this video we have uploaded on our blogger before.
The impossible quiz, The impossible game, Blindfold challenge and Not my arms challenge.

Try it with friends and get much fun in party..

Monday 13 October 2014

Not My Arms Challenge

The Not My Arms Challenge is a very simple yet interesting task that allows players to pass time in an entertaining manner. It is a good challenge that may even help for two people to bond better. Not only does this task prove to be enjoyable for those taking part in it but it also provides laughs for those watching. It should be noted that this challenge requires no more than two people. 


This challenge may be completed in a variety of ways however the main objective is that one player doesn't use their arms at all! Meaning the person seated or standing behind them must provide their arms for use! 

You may choose varied tasks to complete while in this situation. These may include: 
  • Putting make up on
  • Getting dressed 
  • Eating Food
  • Brushing teeth 
  • Styling your hair
The possibilities are endless. This is one challenge where you can let your imagination run wile and experiment as much as you want with the task to suit your needs. 

Below is an example where you can see two siblings complete this challenge: 


Egg Roulette Challenge

Egg Roulette is an extremely simple challenge with very little preparation and play time. The game involves 10 eggs; in which you must have 6 hard boiled eggs and 4 raw eggs! Players are to be unexposed to the fact which egg is which when they are presented with all the eggs (in no particular order). The aim of this task is for the players to dodge the raw eggs by avoiding to crack them and try and choose the ones that are hard boiled! So one could conclude this is primarily a luck based game!


  1. You are to select the amount of eggs you want to use in the challenge (you may vary amount based on individual choice). 
  2. Boil most eggs and leave some raw. Refrigerate all eggs to ensure they all look the same, 
  3. Jumble and place all the eggs in a tray/carton/container. 
  4. Set your challenge up at a table and invite players in turn to crack a randomly chosen egg on their head. 
  5. Wait for the outcome - Boiled or Raw! 
  6. Player who avoids all or most raw eggs is the winner


  • Ensure that the players don't spend too much time touching or feeling the egg to anticipate whether its raw or boiled. You may even apply a no touch rule so that the first egg they touch is the one they must choose to crack on their heads. 
  • Ask that players be careful when cracking eggs on their head as they may be hard due to refrigeration. 

This is an example of how this challenge may be completed. 


Chubby Bunny Challenge

The chubby bunny challenge is a fun game anyone can play at game night or even birthday parties!  All you require for this challenge is a minimum of 2 players and a big packet of your favourite marshmallows.


1. All players should be lined up on a table ready to go with marshmallows in front of them.
2. Now each player should place a marshmallow in their mouth and say "chubby bunny". Players and judges should be mindful that the phrase must be comprehendible in order to the player to enter the next round.
3. Players are to continue to repeat step 2 unlike they can no longer fit anymore marshmallows in their mouth!
4. Once all players have completely filled their mouth with marshmallows and can no longer fit in anymore everyone declares how many they were able to fit in.
5. The winner of the challenge is declared; the person who was able to fit in the most amount of marshmallows! 

Also Note:

  • It is advised that you do this task near a bin.
  • You should also keep count of the marshmallows you place in your mouth as you go! A good way to do this is to have a panel of judges watch you and your friends complete the task. 
  • Other variations of the phrase may also include; fluffy bunny, chubby monkey and yummy bunny.



Saturday 11 October 2014

Tin can challenge

Tin can challenge is famous in some blog and youtube, this is a simple and interactive game with friends. 
You buy 8 or 12 cans of food, what number you want,but the number of the cans should be even and the cans should some good and some bad, for example peaches and dog food. You remove the labels and write a number on the top. You and a friend then choose cans, one at a time, to eat from. Basically, you both have to eat an entire spoonful of the contents. Watch this, it explains it better. 
these pictures are about tin can challenge, you can see the boy in the picture, his face looks very painful with the tin can, This game is exciting and adventurous,just try it and enjoy it with your friends.


Wednesday 8 October 2014

Blindfold Challenge

It have a lot of challenge can do with blindfold.
Blindfold challenge work with touch, smell,taste to guess what in their hands

check this out, you will know how to work with blindfold challenge.

The other games with Blindfold

Also,can get the group sitting on the floor. Blindfold them. Give a box of items to the group leader and ask them to describe one at a time until all objects are identified by the group. The leader may not say the name of the object.

Blindfold drawing
Basic - a leader calls out an object to be drawn, group members each have to draw that item while wearing blindfolds.
Complex - The leader is given a complex shape drawn with straight lines. They must communicate this shape to a drawer who is wearing a blindfold and get them to recreate the shape.

Blindfold Tent
Team building activity, great for groups of around 4 people.
Use a simple tent. Give the group time to familiarise themselves with the tent and to put it up once or twice. Then put the tent in its bag and blindfold the whole group. Now the challenge is to put the tent up.
Works well as a competition between groups in which case the teams can be scored on time and how well the tent is put up.

Great game with friends!!!

Tuesday 7 October 2014

The dizzy challenge

Dizzy Bat (also known as Louisville slugger, D-bat, and The Spins) is a registered trademark of the company producing bats for the drinking game it got its name from. Dizzy Bat is a game in which the participant chugs a full beer out of the holding end of a Wiffle ball bat. While the person is chugging, the surrounding participants count off in seconds how long it takes for the person to finish the full beer. The other players cannot stop shouting numbers until the batter turns the bat upside down to prove that every last drop has been consumed.

Game Variants

"Team Dizzy Bat" is a variation of the simpler dizzy bat drinking game, in which there are two even teams with two bats competing against each other in a relay race, with the bats acting as the baton. Each team splits into two even groups facing each other about fifteen yards apart with both bats starting on the same side. Instead of the participants drinking a full beer from the inside of the Wiffle ball bat, they must drink a full beer(can, cup, or bottle) then spin around ten times and run over to their other group passing the bat to next player. Whichever team finishes first is the winner of the game.

And now, the Dizzy Game is not only play with the dizzy bat, it comes to chairs, personal rotation and so on. check out of this video shows how to play the dizzy game. Try it with friends, so fun.
