Monday 13 October 2014

Not My Arms Challenge

The Not My Arms Challenge is a very simple yet interesting task that allows players to pass time in an entertaining manner. It is a good challenge that may even help for two people to bond better. Not only does this task prove to be enjoyable for those taking part in it but it also provides laughs for those watching. It should be noted that this challenge requires no more than two people. 


This challenge may be completed in a variety of ways however the main objective is that one player doesn't use their arms at all! Meaning the person seated or standing behind them must provide their arms for use! 

You may choose varied tasks to complete while in this situation. These may include: 
  • Putting make up on
  • Getting dressed 
  • Eating Food
  • Brushing teeth 
  • Styling your hair
The possibilities are endless. This is one challenge where you can let your imagination run wile and experiment as much as you want with the task to suit your needs. 

Below is an example where you can see two siblings complete this challenge: 


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